Monday, May 30, 2005

heheee... so excited that I couldn't sleep at night till 4am!!!
hahaaa.. that was last Friday night 'cos its my last day at Sonopress.
hahaa... really very happy that it was so fun even on my last day! :)
Praise God! We had a department lunch and I was very open to share about everyone's good and bad points. We did few rounds of commenting on my good & bad pts and my turn to comment on everyone. So fun... hahaaa....
Of cos, I didnt say much abt ah Lian and elva 'cos we are so close.. dun need to say much we know how much we love each others... hahaa...
of cos I love all my colleagues too.. and was little afraid that I might offend some of them.. but shouldnt worry too much lah.. they will understand. :) Im being real only, not hypocrite. :)

Just want to thank God for bringing me through the whole period of May 2005. Was an exciting month for me 'cos I actually plan out the whole of May and June... everyday is packed with events... with exams dates... training dates... studying dates, .. birthday dates... camp dates... photo taking date, .... hahaha... so many things to accomplish and I was indeed soooo stress last week actually. But thank God that when I spend time with Him, He always refreshes me with new strength!

June is here soon!! Yipeee... that means camp coming! my birthday coming too.. hheee...
Actually very excited 'cos tomorrow will start my first day training at AIA. wow... so fun. Like studying orientation. Really pray that I can go to bed and sleep well. Lord, i pray that I will not be too excited. Thank God!

Oh ya!!!! Yesterday was mei's birthday! I was sooo happy to see her again. She become very pretty!!! and I was so glad she and shan came to service with me. Hearing the things that she went through brought pain to my heart. I knew God will do something great for her that day!
During worship & sermon, she was so attention and really worship God wholeheartly. Most amazingly, when she went to the altar to respond to God, the moment I touch her, I could feel all her pain... we cried as I prayed for her.

I knew God did something wonderful in her life that day!

I pray that she will continue to grow... to really experience a breakthrough in her life for Jesus love her sooo much!

Thank you Lord!

Bless all around me! Thank you!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

PSALM 34 - one of my favorites

1 I will praise the LORD at all times. I will constantly speak his praises.

2 I will boast only in the LORD; let all who are discouraged take heart.

3 Come, let us tell of the LORD's greatness; let us exalt his name together.

4 I prayed to the LORD, and he answered me, freeing me from all my fears.

5 Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.

6 I cried out to the LORD in my suffering, and he heard me. He set me free from all my fears.

7 For the angel of the LORD guards all who fear him, and he rescues them.

8 Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who trust in him!

9 Let the LORD's people show him reverence, for those who honor him will have all they need.

10 Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the LORD will never lack any good thing.

11 Come, my children, and listen to me, and I will teach you to fear the LORD.

12 Do any of you want to live a life that is long and good?

13 Then watch your tongue! Keep your lips from telling lies!

14 Turn away from evil and do good. Work hard at living in peace with others.

15 The eyes of the LORD watch over those who do right; his ears are open to their cries for help.

16 But the LORD turns his face against those who do evil; he will erase their memory from the earth.

17 The LORD hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles.

18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those who are crushed in spirit.

19 The righteous face many troubles, but the LORD rescues them from each and every one.

20 For the LORD protects them from harm-- not one of their bones[a] will be broken!

21 Calamity will surely overtake the wicked, and those who hate the righteous will be punished.

22 But the LORD will redeem those who serve him.

Everyone who trusts in him will be freely pardoned.

Wow, i can't imagine its already 25th May today. 27th May my last day at Sonopress.
Don;t know why but I became a bit stressed up these days.. probably because there are so many uncertainties ahead and challenges that I need to conquer. This transition period into my new career path is not easy too.

Everything so pack, I can;t even breathe at times.
Oh, Lord, help me!

I pray that I will not be distracted and will press on to my destiny.

I heard God telling me to focus my eyes upon Him.
and He is always near and willing to help.

The word is "FOCUS"

When we lose our focus, it's easy to give up, stumble and fall.

It's so important to have a vision of where you want to go and then plan a strategy to get there.
It's also important to "focus" on that vision and on Him so that when barriers/problems/troubles surface along the way, we won;t lose sight of where we wanna go initially.

Jesus, help me focus on You! That no setbacks/distractions/problems can make me stumble and fall. I will focus on You, put you first in everything and walk in your ways.

Lord, this is my desire, help me Lord 'cos I know it will not be easy.

"Walk by Faith and not by sight"

Friday, May 20, 2005

I passed my Module 9!!!
Thank God! All glory to Him!

Im excited for a new environment, new challenges, new peoples to mix with, new tasks to handle and new everything! Have to take 4 passport size photos! To be contracted soon. I hope and pray that Auntie Daisy is one fine woman to learn from. Lord, give me a teachable heart and diligent hands in my new work place! Lord, bless the works of my hands as I commit everything to you! Thank you Lord!

Today went to see laptop. Saw one at $1499. Small, 1.7kg with all the basic things that I need. But not super nice, but i like it that it's silver outside. Cool!

Should I spend more money getting a "branded" one?

Must think carefully! :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Today I Will Make A Difference

Today I will make a difference.

I will begin by controlling my thoughts.
A person is the product of his thoughts. I want to be happy and hopeful.
Therefore, I will have thoughts that are happy and hopeful.
I refuse to be victimized by my circumstances.
I will not let petty inconveniences such as stoplights, long lines, and traffic jams be my masters. I will avoid negativism and gossip.
Optimism will be my companion, and victory will be my hallmark.
Today I will make a difference.I will be grateful for the twenty-four hours that are before me. Time is a precious commodity.
I refuse to allow what little time I have to be contaminated by self-pity, anxiety, or boredom.
I will face this day with the joy of a child and the courage of a giant.
I will drink each minute as though it is my last. When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever. While it is here, I will use it for loving and giving.

Today I will make a difference.I will not let past failures haunt me.

Even though my life is scarred with mistakes, I refuse to rummage through my trash heap of failures. I will admit them. I will correct them. I will press on.
Victoriously. No failure is fatal. It's OK to stumble...I will get up. It's OK to fail...I will rise again. Today I will make a difference.I will spend time with those I love.
My spouse, my children, my family.
A man can own the world but be poor for the lack of love.
A man can own nothing and yet be wealthy in relationships.

Today I will spend at least five minutes with the significant people in my world. Five quality minutes of talking or hugging or thanking or listening. Five undiluted minutes with my mate, children, and friends.Today I will make a difference.

Max LucadoFrom "On The Anvil"Copyright (Tyndale Publishing, 1985) Max Lucado, Used by Permission

Jesus, save me!
Lord, have mercy!
I really think that life is hard without Jesus!
It is impossible to live in such a fallen world without our Lord Jesus Christ!

I thank God that I have Him with me always.

Lord, I praise You in Heaven and on earth.
Help me stay close to You and not be distracted by this world.
Lord, bless me indeed!
Your hands be upon me!
Enlarge my territory!
Keep me away from all evil!

Lord, I pray for all my friends and family!
Your blessings be upon them all and keep them away from all harm and evil!
Lord, You are good and Your love endures forever!

Saturday, May 07, 2005

May 7- Saturday again!

Thank God that my tender period before I leave Sonopress went smoothly. Thank God that I passed my Module 5 exam. Going to study really hard for my Module 9 exam later. Must pass in first sitting. 26 chapters... I can do it!

well, today... I thought of my mom again. I think Im very strong the fact that I seldom cry or feel emotional about my mom. But nowadays, whenever I thought of her, I felt like crying again. Especially when that I'm listening to the worship Mandarin songs that I played during her funeral wake, I felt sad again. One of them, my fav. end with "Im willing to follow You all the days of my life" in Mandarin.. Ya, no matter what life may brings, I will follow YOU all the days of my life. "this is for you God"

I knew that I will be sad listening to these songs.. but I still want to listen to them.. they are so nice and meaningful... and Im sure one day, when I listen to them, I won't be sad again.

I remembered in "windstruck", there is this conversation... "I will not be sad, I will live my life such that when I see you in Heaven again.. Im going to tell you all the happinest moments of my life."

To me, that is so beautiful, to press on and be strong because you know that you have hope to see that person again in Heaven!

Alright, Its late, I shall go bath and go to library soon. Ganbatte Shirley!

God bless me and all around me.....Amen!

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