Sunday, July 31, 2005

Shirley shirley!!!
God is good all the times.
Most importantly, God loves you, God likes you and He is crazy about you!!!


Today, I went to church service with ah lian!!
She was so happy to see me.. and wanted to spend all the time with me...
hahahaha...... right lian?? :)

Today message touches me.

Korean pastor Che Ann. He is good. He shares with such sincerity and passion, you can feel God presence everywhere. He used to be a hippy from US, very rebellious and was addicted to drugs. One day, He prayed to God and asked God to revealed Himself to him.. and Jesus showed up...he began weeping for 3 days... God breaks into his life and he was changed radically!!! He never went back to drugs anymore! God is good! God uses him to share the good news to many nations and thousands of churches were birthed because of his simple desire to know God.

You know, as Christians.. we are still human ... sometimes we sins... sometimes we walk away from God. Sometimes, our passions die... we get tired....

Nowadays.. I felt that Im not as passionate about sharing Christ as before... Im not as passionate as before.... something dies down inside me.....

I thank God He is always near and never fails to bring me back to Him. Today message is for me... (I know its for many people too.. but to me, its special!)

It's bring back memories of how much I love God.. how much I trusted in Him... How much I love to share the good news with others, how much faith I have in Him.... God broke into my heart once again and bring me back to Him. ...

God bring me back to focus... its funny... how as human.. we can forget our destiny so fast....

Che Ann Pastor shared and I recorded some of them down...

"I only have one life! Do not play church, don't ask God to bless the dream and goals you have... its not about what I want to do, my 5 years plan... 10 years plan... but ask God about what He wants me to do... then success will come... as we walk with Jesus."

"2 things to remember when walking in difficult times"

No1. REJOICE!!!!

Rejoice in the Lord and gives thanks always!!! Amen!!!
Give thank to the Lord even when things are not good...
Give thanks....

Before we walk and cross over to the next level of our life, there are bound to be obsacles and barriers... purpose is to mould our character for the new challenges ahead.

so move in faith, do not complain, do not fear, do not doubt.. keep moving... keep moving through the difficult times....

No.2. REBUKE!!!

Rebuke every spirits that come to destroy, kill and steal...
the bible is clear about satan... who comes to steal our joy, destroy our faith and kill our soul and destiny...

We must stand firm and rebuke every spritual attacks from the evil ones...


God spoke to me lately.

As I was praying about my purpose in life.

"Your purpose is to bring hope to the world"

I was dazed.... hope? to the world?

Im not Jesus... how to bring hope???

Jesus then reveals how we can bring hope to the world... sometimes, a prayer can save a person life, a touch can cure depression, a listening ear can sooth the pain... many ways....

yah... I can be used to bring hope to the world...
and this is my purpose in life?


Then He spoke again.. "always rely not on your own strength but MINE..."

Yes Jesus! I will rely on YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lord, help me stay focus in YOU. You are my joy, my everything!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

nothing to do.. on the bus.. everyone sleeping... I entertained myself... like the blue background

Ops... doesnt look very nice here... our lobsyter... but actually taste quite good!

baby Ostrich.. so cute!

3 months old

Ostrich.... Female will be bareback... the feather cover only 3/4 of the back... the back will be bared for all to see... male will be fully covered with beautiful thick feathers.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Today is recreation day with my agency.
Woke up at 7am today to get prepared. Davy came to pick me up at 745am, end up at 8.10am. Went to meet the rest at Perma Jaya and off we go to our destination! However, we went to Ostrich farm! Pics posted soon! From egg to full grown! I fed one Ostrich with corns... so scary... but in fact, it shouldnt be scary at all.

Then we continued with our trip, ended up at "U Channel Food vote by whole nation CHAMPION" lobyster restaurant to eat our lunch. Well, not super nice but the not too bad overall! The lobsyter is good! :) Followed by shopping at City Square... then dinner... back home to see Super Star.

Well, the whole trip is so so only... why? 'cos im too shy to mix around... cos im new... I didnt talk much... so sad.. didnt get to know the rest well... but get to know them better. :)
Just pray that we will get to know each others more each day & I can be so free and myself when Im with them next time. :)

Okay... tired.. have to sleep early!!! Yawn.....ZZzzzzzzzzz.... Good night!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

My goodness!
My buddy hui came to my house to reformat the whole pc but in the end, cant do it!! 'Cos my brother password not available... haii.. so sad.... now my pc is still super slow....


Tomorrow will be a fun day!!!

Going to Malaysia to eat loyster with my agency team.. recreation day!!!
must be happy!!!

Yeah yeah.. hope I can wake up at 7am....

die die must wake up at 7am! God help me!!!


Dear Jesus, give me strength for each new day!! Thank you Lord!!!
Bless the trip tomorrow that I will know my people more! Lord, grant me favor with everyone I met... help me be your light! Thank you Lord.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Im late for 3 days again! I have found my "Keys to winning at the workplace"
Will continue for today.

Key #2: Only applicable for christians

"Don't just make a living; design a life"

Recognise God as your true employer and celebrate your boss.

You look for your sense of appreciation, job satisfaction and rewards not from your earthly boss but from your true employer.

Many ways to celebrate your boss, but I will just write one!

Avoid the reputation of "complainer" at all costs.

Never voice a negative without a reasonable & positive recommendation or alternatives.

Key #3
"If you love your work, you'll be out there every day trying to do it the best you possibly can, and pretty soon everybody around you will be able to catch the passion from you like a fever." Sam Walton

Pursue work compatible with your abilities and interests.

He wrote in this chapter that he spoke to a man who has been working in the same company for 27 years. When asked him why, he must have love his job.

The man replied, "No, as a matter of fact, I hate it."

"Because it's so convenient," "It's just 10 min from my house."

It's amazing that a man would endure torture for 27 years just for the sake of personal convenience.

Yet many people spend their lives at jobs they detest. simply waiting for retirement, pension or a gold watch.

"Find something you love to do and you will never have to work another day in your job."


From the other book, "Head start"

When you think you can, you can.

When you think you cannot, you have wasted your time thinking! Why would a person want to spend so much time thinking and then concluded that he cannot? He s better off not thinking at all.

Choose carefully how you think.


Good night! Have a good day today!!!

Friday, July 22, 2005


What a great morning!
Today is good! Not feeling tired anymore!
HAaaaaa... slept till 930am today. Not too bad! :)
Yipee.... Oh, I wanted to write on the 2nd and 3 rd keys to success in the workplace.
I guess my sister must have took it to her office! Ai yo....

It's okay..... Lets write about another book by Andrew Goh.
Great book of motivation for a month. I finished it too.

Day 1: TODAY is the FIRST day of the REST of your LIFE!

How true? The past is past. Let's start all over again! Make today the best day you will ever had.

SO, we start with: being your best,
Then, becoming your best.
Finally, sustaining your best.

Today is the only day we have. Yesterday is a cancelled cheque.
Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is cash.

Things don't just happen. We must decide to make it happen.

Tomorrow beings today.


Enough for today? hhaaaa..... let's live for today together. Stop dwelling on what has been done/undone yesterday. It's gone forever.

Today will be a great day! Amen! :)

Thank God for the help He has rendered to me thus far in my career! Thank God for friends who trust in me to give me a chance to serve them. I really do appreciate friends who show their trust in me in this way. It touches my heart. Its beary heartwarming to see even people whom I have met for the 2nd time trusting me so much that they are willing to just pass me their IC/cash home. Thank God for these people.

Yesterday I received the first SMS from one client that wrote, "Thanks for your service! You have done well." I felt so encouraged! ahhaaa... yeah!

Thank God! :) :) :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Good morning!
I wanna write what I have learned in "secrets to winning at work" here. 20 keys altogether. Starting from today, i will post one up each day!

Actually I have finished reading all 20 keys within a few days 'cos they are so interesting. But I forgotten most of them quickly too. No, this time.. I will only read one each day. In this way, I will be able to absorb more and really remember them. It's for you too if you are working :)
Hope you enjoy it. :)

Key 1:
"In order to succeed, you must know what you are doing, like what you are doing, and believe in what you are doing." Will Rogers

Accept WORK as God's gift, not a punishment.

It is designed not only to provide fro material needs, but also to bring them satisfaction, enjoyment and fulfillment in life.

If you love wat you are doing, then you don't want to quit.
If you want to quit, then you don't love your work. It's just that simple.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Tired!! So tired!
Cos I woke up at 730am today for my Executive Development Program first lesson! I must say that it's time I learn my lesson to sleep early when Im tired. If not, the next day will be history for me.. backache... here pain there pain...

Last night, went to play basketball with my brother and sister. Phew!! it's so rare!!! But glad we did it!!! Was fun... 2 challenge 1.... haaa.... made myself so tired... went home and MSN again.. in the end... have to wake up today feeling super tired.

No no... I must sleep early today!!! :) latest by 11pm.

I must say today is a great learning day! Learn alot today.... lesson by Persy... This man has 8 years of cold call experience. Impressive.... !!! Spent 2 hours of the evening with him too.. learning from his experience! Oh, met up with dear elva this afternoon to eat laska at IKea.. not bad!! :) At night, met up with her again. Actually I bought this pink nice T from Giordiano.. and I wore it today, guessing she might wear it too... Guess what! Im right, she wore it... so we wore the same T today like sisters! Haa.... i always done this with my close friends.... haaa...

I must spend some quality time reflecting about my goals, vision, my life again. Tomorrow morning I will do it. :)

Lord, have your way! :)

Bless all around me! Praise God! :)


Thursday, July 14, 2005

Hu hoooo..... I passed my exam yesterday! It was easy! One more to go! Press in Shirley!
Well, I really enjoy my job... Im learning new things everyday. Im seeing new people everyday. So interesting!

Yup, of course its tough! I know... but who's care!! Im going to work hard! and not listen to naysayers.... it takes courage to stay in a tough job! Without challenges, whats the fun? I will learn and not give up! :)

5 more mins to 10pm.. time to study again! This time round, I will not study so hard... but still need to pray hard. :)

Yup, really thank God for His providence... somehow, many people just give me treats and I hardly have to pay for meals these days... and thank my buddy for lending me his laptop and getting all those files for me. So blessed! :)

I have alot of things I wanna do in September.. I really wish to save up for a laptop, go to Australia and learn driving! God, God.... help me Lord!!!

Oh yah, I pray for all my friends that Lord you will bless them in whatever they are doing now. I lift up their lives into Your hands. Protect them and grant them peace, joy and love for every single day.

I pray for my family that You will continue to watch over us, bind us in love and strength. Help us grow stronger in our relationship and let forgiveness and love flow freely in this place. My household belongs to the Lord! Amen!

Lord, help me not lose sight of where and what you want me to do. Help me stay focus in you! Thank you Lord! Love you!

Saturday, July 09, 2005

wow.. one more week has passed. These days were very busy studying & working. 2 papers to take again next week. Endless exams.. but it's great.. we must always learn something each day. I went to the library to study this afternoon. Went around to look for magazines to read. I took out 2 fortunes and began to read one of them.. "The best advice I ever got."

There are numberous stories of successful peoples and the best quote/advice that they ever get in their lives. So interesting, I began to pen down some of them.

"Be yourself"... Jack Welch

"Be nice to people"...

"Respect people for who they are, not their titles/status."

"Don't listen to naysayers."

"Have the courage to stick with a tough job"

These are some that I hope to carry with me whereever I go.

Don;t listen to naysayers....
Don't listen to people who says..."You cant make it. You are dumb. You cant succeed. You are doom. You will fail. You are not going to make it anyway. You are ugly. ........


Don;t let what other people think of you control your life.

You can MAKE IT. YOU CAN SUCCEED. YOU ARE GOING TO SUCCEED ANYWAY. Believe in yourself. My God will help me.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

WAit on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord! Psalm 27:14

It's Sat again! I shall rejoice in the Lord today!
Lord, come & refresh my heart & spirit again! Let me live in the joy of you Lord!
Lord, the world is always demanding more of us each day!
Help me to be focus in YOU!


Keep my heart pure from all filthiness of the world!

Yipee..... below are some pics taken on on this year birthday celebration! Thank you all for remembering my birthday!

Thank you all!!! so touch!! especially to receive so many sms when the clock strikes 12am to the next day. It's so sweet just to know that someone actually remembers. :)

SO have a look at all the pics below...

ACtually these days wasnt feeling too well & good. Don't want to act tough but I am weary on some of the days.. this heaviness comes stronger when I learned that one of my sec sch mate was killed in a bike accident recently. Even though I have seen deaths many times, I was grieved the fact that a promising young (age 24) man is gone just like that!

A few years ago, I came to saw this new that"Hall King" (Hall king is the most handsome guy among the hostels) of my school, NTU was killed in a bike accident.

I dislike people who rides bikes... it is extremely dangerous!

I hate it! the most when people commit sucide! I hate it!!!!
Nothing in this world cant be solved!

When the devil plants this evil thought in your mind, Just shout to "it" to GET LOST in the name of Jesus!

Everyday, there are thousands of people who just pass away just like that............all over the world..

We, who are still living, why dread another day to come? "sian" to work, "sian" to be alone, "sian" to play, "sian" have nothing to do, "sian" to do houseworks, "sian" to study, "sian" all the times....

Shouldnt we live life to the fullest each day?
Don';t waste away our life.

Everyday can be meaningful when you do this.

To Love!

To love is the greatest commandment God has given us.

We are made to love and be loved.

Be free to receive love and be free to give love.

Think of others more than ourselves and just love.

When you give, you will experience the greatest joy!

Love your neighbour as yourself!

Love is God & God is love.

The greatest of all is love.

Without love, all amounts to nothing.

Let us being today by loving! Loving yourself! Loving who you are! You are unique & special!
Love people! Love may not return you love but to love and failed is better to have not love at all.
Love God! How? Pray and simply talk to him about anything. He loves it!

Starts each day by loving!!!

Lord, this day I pray that You will fill my heart with Your love!
only so, will I be able to love freely.


hahaaa.... this is so cute!! From my bro Jeffrey & Benji nephew!! Benji drew me!

Meifeng! another Shirley!


Ah Teng!!


nice?? 5 of us... 2 missing... shandy & Gerai not here... :(

yipee! my earthquake!! cherrys!

Here's come my Sec sch friends! Chi Keung!

ah Li!!

elva dear.. loves to show her pics... so here is it!!! hahaa..... very cute hor!

Had a mini celebration on my birthday during cell!! This is my first & only cake this year! :)

ah Li & shan & mei gave me this cute doll and precious moment photo frame!

davy treated me to this super nice Trad Jap restaurant! Jap curry noodle!

Elva dear, kang & Sarah gave me this lovely bag! white!!!! my fav!

Buddy ah Hui gave me a box of gifts on my birthday!!!! :p see the dolphin saying "hi" to you!

Friday, July 01, 2005

YOU MUST MAKE YOUR OWN OPPORTUNITIES.-----------------------------------------------

Your destiny isn't a matter of chance,it's a matter of the choices you make.It's not something you wait for,but rather something you pursue.Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities.Seize common occasions and make them great.Opportunities sometimes come disguised in the form of misfortune,or temporary defeat.You can start where you are.You're at this moment standing in the middle of opportunity.If you act on your dreams you can live them.

Quote of The Day...

"What you think of yourself is much more important than what others think of you."

– Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Playwright and Philosopher

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